Risk and Resilience: Understanding the Disaster Relief Sector


We will travel to Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas to work with a local Habitat for Humanity organization. We will be helping to build new homes, which will allow us to learn how to construct “hurricane proof” housing to reduce the risk of destruction in high impact storm areas. We will work alongside local people hearing their stories and learning about their personal recovery from disaster.  After work hours, we will find some time to relax and explore the island. We will be living together as a group in a Habitat dormitory.  We should have one full day to spend exploring the local culture. Prior to departure, this project will require 4-6 evening seminars during the school year in preparation for the work in April.  Students will be required to do research and present about an element of disaster for one of the seminars.

Special Considerations

Students will need to come with a readiness for tiring, physical labor every day, an enthusiasm for helping others, and an ability to be flexible if the situation demands it. Students will also need to be ready to live in close quarters depending on our living arrangements.

Project Week (2024-25)

Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 28, 2025


Zeya Kyaw
Assistant Director of Experiential Education