General Information

Registration opens in early February 2025. This year registration is running through our internal Veracross system. If you are a current Overlake family, you will be able to login with your current credentials. If you are not a current Overlake family, then you will create an account when you register. 

If any of the Overlake Summer Program sessions are full, families can request to add their child to the waitlist during registration. If space becomes available, we will contact families directly by phone and email. Families will have 48 hours to respond and let us know if they want to enroll their child into the session. If we do not hear from you during that timeframe, we will contact the family with the next child on the waitlist.

Families are required to pay the full balance at the time of registration. Cancellations made at least three weeks before camp begins will receive a full refund, minus processing fees. No refunds will be issued for withdrawals within three weeks of the camp start date.

For drop-off and pick-up, families should enter the school’s main entrance (off of Redmond Road) and drive all the way to the top of the hill. Drop-off and pick-up take place outside the Whitten Math & Sciences Center. Pick-up also takes place at the same location each afternoon. 

The following is an outline of drop-off and pick up times:

  • Drop-Off: 8:30-9:00
  • Half-Day Camp Pick-Up: 12:00-12:15
  • Afternoon Pick-Up: 4:00-4:15

Pick-Up Authorization
Summer Program Staff will only release children to the adults listed on their registration form. Email to authorize a one-time same day pick-up request.

Late Arrivals and Early Pick-up

If you have a planned late arrival or early pick-up, the parent or guardian of the child should email at least 24 hours in advance. A summer program staff member will bring your child to the drop-off and pick-up location. 

Overlake does not have an extended care program. Families must pick up their children between 4:00-4:15 each day.

8:30-9:00: Drop off (Whitten Math & Sciences Center)

9:00: Morning camps begin 

10:15-10:45: Snack and Activities 

10:45-12:00: Morning camps continue

12:00-12:15: Half-Day campers are picked-up (Whitten Math & Sciences Center)

12:00-1:00: Lunch, games, and activities for full-day campers 

1:00-2:15: Afternoon camps begin

2:15-2:45: Snack and Activities 

2:45-4:00: Afternoon camps continue

4:00-4:15: Pick-up (Whitten Math & Sciences Center)

Campers can bring their own lunch or purchase a lunch from the school cafeteria. If you would like to purchase lunch, you can do so when registering. Lunch costs $40-50/week, depending on a 4-day or 5-day camp.

During community time, Overlake will provide a small snack for each student. All snacks will be nut-free, and a gluten-free option will always be available. Snacks will be packaged individually to avoid sharing food. If you have specific concerns about snacks, please include them in your profile. **directions to fill out medical documents and emergency contact information will be sent after registration for camps.

Safety of students is Overlake’s highest priority. The Overlake School works very hard to create and maintain a safe involvement for all individuals that participate in any activities on campus. 

All Summer Program Faculty & Staff are First Aid/CPR certified. In consultation with the Athletic Trainer, Summer Program Faculty & Staff will treat minor injuries to students with their first aid knowledge. Summer Program Faculty & Staff will call 9-1-1 immediately if any student is significantly injured. They will follow that call with notification to parents and/or guardians of students involved. 

In the case of minor or major infractions, an Accident/Injury Report will be filed by staff & faculty involved in alleviating the incident. Families will be notified about any safety concerns by the Director of Summer Programs.

At Overlake, we believe discipline is a community responsibility, all faculty and staff contribute to maintaining standards of student conduct. During our Summer Program, we will ask all Teachers and Summer Program Staff to make clear their academic and behavioral expectations at the start of each session. It will be the responsibility of these faculty and staff members to hold students accountable for the expectations they have assigned using the best practices of classroom management.

Issues of classroom management, such as, but not limited to, minor infractions such as socializing in class and tardiness, may be handled by the teacher at their discretion. In such cases where the student has not responded to the teacher‘s corrective measures, they may refer the student to the Summer Program Director.

Minor Infractions
Any violation of the School‘s expected behavior for students at school and during Summer Program activities is considered to be an infraction. Minor infractions are deemed to be less offensive than major infractions, but are still considered unacceptable from a member of the school community. Examples of minor infractions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Disrespect toward persons or property
  • Inappropriate clothing
  • Leaving campus without permission
  • Cutting a class
  • Driving recklessly to, from, or on campus
  • Being disruptive in the classroom, library, assembly, or any other common area
  • Profanity

In consultation with Summer Program Faculty & Staff and parents of students involved, the Director of Summer Programs will handle all major infractions taken by students at his or her discretion. 

Major Infractions
There are certain fundamental policies and expectations at Overlake that, when violated, are considered Major Infractions. A Major Infraction is a very serious offense. The following are examples of Major Infractions (the list is not all inclusive):

  • Violation of the school’s Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Abusive language
  • Verbal, physical or sexual harassment or abuse of a student by peers
  • Cheating or plagiarism
  • Willful destruction of property belonging to Overlake, its personnel or another student
  • Stealing
  • Possession or use of any kind of weapons on campus
  • Lying, deceit, or any other dishonest behavior

Students who violate the behavioral expectations are subject to more serious consequences such as suspension.

More information on Disciplinary Policies & Procedures


Mindy McGrath
Summer Program Director