How we Embrace Diversity

"Embrace Diversity" was added to The Overlake School mission statement in 2002.  In support of that mission, The Overlake School:

Promotes inclusion and understanding by

  • valuing the background, culture, personal history, and experience of every individual
  • empowering each individual to be his or her authentic self, included, respected, and supported

Broadens student perspectives by

  • uniting diverse individuals with different cultures, beliefs, and stories to enhance the life-long process of understanding the world around us
  • exploring our similarities and differences through the academic curriculum and experiential learning opportunities inside and outside of the classroom

Acquires cultural competency skills when

  • students and adults learn together and from each other, allowing us to explore new realities, and challenge stereotypes, working to become global citizens

Creates a diverse, healthy learning environment by

  • fostering personal, physical, and emotional safety for all members of the community in all areas of school life – academic, personal, and social
  • working towards civility, compassion, and moral values through learning initiatives aimed at educating our students to be successful, culturally competent citizens in a rapidly changing global society

Promotes advocacy, access, and social justice by

  • inspiring a desire to effect positive change through a real understanding of both the hardships and the institutional and social inequities faced by all marginalized people.
  • providing access and opportunity for young people from all backgrounds.