Student Government

Middle School

The Middle School ASB (Associated Student Body) consists of an elected representative from each homeroom, as well as a President, Vice-President, and Secretary that are elected by the full Middle School. Requirements for participation on Middle School ASB include good academic standing and a good citizenship record.

The Overlake Middle School ASB seeks to enrich the lives of all Overlake Middle School students through promoting and running various activities, such as engaging educational speakers or planning dances, assemblies, games, and related programs.

Upper School

The Upper School Student Government seeks to address campus concerns as they arise, promote school unity, champion school spirit, and assist the school in various projects. The Upper School ASB (Associated Student Body) is led by the elected President, Vice-President, SOCO (Social Activities Coordinator), Vice-SOCO, and Secretary-Treasurer. In addition to these Executive Officers, two grade representatives and two spirit representatives from each grade are elected to Student Government. These representatives serve primarily to advocate for their class and participate on various subcommittees, with spirit representatives serving on Spirit Committee and grade representatives serving on different ASB issue-based task forces. SOCO and Vice-SOCO head the Spirit Committee which generally takes the lead on spirit-related projects, such as dances and social events, while the President and Vice-President lead ASB’s task forces, which tend to focus on student health, well-being, and fostering strong faculty-student relationships. 


Krishna Davda
Head of Student Experience