The Art of LA


We all know that Los Angeles is the home of many of our favorite television shows and movies, but many people don’t know that it is also an incredible place to see visual art, both contemporary and historical. This project week will cover as much of the arts scene in LA as we can fit into a 5 day trip. Between museum visits we have a daunting list of activities we are hoping to squeeze in. Do you want to see a concert at Disney Concert Hall (the famous piece of Architecture by Frank Gehry), catch a TV or film shoot, take an improv class at the training grounds for SNL, get a behind-the-scenes tour of a studio, or see a play or film in a famous theater? The LA arts scene is dynamic and inspiring. Many people  think you have to go all the way to New York  to be a part of a vibrant arts culture, but Los Angeles has a great deal of exciting cultural events and experiences, and it’s only a 2.5 hour flight from home.

Project Week (2024-25)

Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 28, 2025


Zeya Kyaw
Assistant Director of Experiential Education