Backpacking in Utah

Multicolor slot canyon
Laura Brown

This project will explore a remote canyon in the desert of southwest Utah.  We will spend 5 days backpacking down into the Escalante River Canyon by way of Harris Wash.  Day trips will also include climbing through some amazing slot canyons. Students will be carrying backpacks full of gear and food for the entire trip, camping in the backcountry, building respectful relationship with the place, and learning both technical and group process skills to support the group as they travel through the wilderness.  We will fly into Salt Lake City, rent vehicles, and then drive to the trailhead. This trip leaves very early on Saturday, March 25th and returns in the evening on Friday, March 31st.

Educational Objectives: 

Students will learn to be self-aware and collectively competent while hiking and camping.  They will learn how to set up camp, cook in the backcountry, read maps, use compasses, filter water, and travel safely and intentionally through fragile desert terrain and rugged canyons.  They will also do research before the trip on plants, animals, geology and cultural history of the area, and give a report to the rest of the students during our evening talks.  Students will also be asked to set goals, give and receive feedback about their contribution to the group, and reflect on goals and contributions after the trip.  Solo time and journaling time will be scheduled into our days.  Students are expected to show up actively in community and participate in activities.

Project Week (2024-25)

Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 28, 2025


Zeya Kyaw
Assistant Director of Experiential Education