Farm to Food Bank

food farm frenzy
Mia Wall

Do you like gardening and working in the soil? Do you like watching “Dirty Jobs”? Do you want 15 service hours?  This is the project for you. Students will help to harvest crops and prepare the Food Lifeline farm rows for the spring cycle, supporting the work of the farm and its mission to supply fresh vegetables to local food banks.  Students will learn about and actively contribute to the farm-to-foodbank-to-table process for those in greatest need in our local communities.

Special Considerations

Participants will receive credit for 15 service hours.

Participants must be willing to follow COVID guidelines.  If a participant, experiences any overlapping CDC symptoms of COVID during the project, the student will be isolated, and the student’s family will be required to pick up at their current location.  The family will bear all the costs associated with student pick-up. CDC's possible symptoms of COVID can be found here.

By selecting the above project(s,) you and your family are accepting the financial responsibility for the cost of the projects.  This includes any unrecoverable expenses incurred if Overlake, or any federal, state or local government forces cancelation of the project, or if you or your family decide not to attend, or your student becomes symptomatic and has to be isolated. 

Project Week (2024-25)

Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 28, 2025


Chap Grubb ('10) 
Experiential Education Coordinator