Institutional Identity

How we talk about ourselves matters. Our messages about Overlake and the people who learn and work here need to be clear, consistent, and representative of our mission and values- the core of who we are. We also must align our identity through our program so that our students graduate with attributes representative of an Overlake experience.
Please use our icon key below when reviewing each goal's progress:

1. Clarify Overlake's mission statement to ensure that it is the best depiction of who we are to our families, students, and employees.

1. This new vision statement will be Overlake's forward-looking ideal state that we want to achieve in the next 10 to 15 years.

1. Communicate the attributes that are developed in each Overlake student as they grow through our program and graduate into the world as Overlake alums.

1. Create systems to formatively assess Overlake's identity process to ensure continued alignment with our program.
Contact: Director of Communications & Marketing
Susan Messier
Director of Communications & Marketing
Contact: Director of Teaching & Learning
Flavia Vidal, Ph.D.
Director of Teaching & Learning