Attract & Retain

It's the people of an institution who define its culture. At Overlake, our employees play a vital role in creating an exceptional, inclusive culture. Our faculty and staff are the greatest reason for the success of the school. The school wants to ensure that we continue to be a place where innovative educational leaders are encouraged to do their best work in a supportive environment. We want to create a virtuous cycle of a positive learning environment for our students which creates a positive work environment for our employees. As rising costs in our area impact our community, we must support our exceptional current employees and provide competitive offers to new employees interested in joining our school.
Please use our icon key below when reviewing each goal's progress:

A. Evaluate offering comparable salary and benefits packages including reviewing our methodology and benchmarks relative to peer schools.

B. Investigate and implement programs that would alleviate the cost of housing and transportation in the Seattle metro area.

A. Create a shared understanding of a values-based Profile of an Overlake Teacher.

B. Research and review best practice options in professional development and continue to invest in and offer a robust personalized professional development program including professional learning communities and individual or group instructional coaching.

C. Create personalized development plans for each employee.

D. Formalize evaluation plans for all employees.

E. Research teacher intern program potential.

F. Create leadership development opportunities for employees.

A. Establish proactive mechanisms for building candidate pipelines (networking events, referral programs, attendance at industry events and conferences, etc.)

B. Establish standard interview process and implementation training.

A. Establish (hire, support, grow) a Human Relations function and leverage these resources to build and maintain the Overlake culture.

B. Review and amplify/ increase how Overlake values are showing up in the school culture.

C. Ensure a workplace culture that elevates the faculty and staff experience especially under-represented groups in our faculty and staff.

D. Create and implement a leadership development plan for administrative staff and department chairs that creates clear behavioral expectations, coaching, and mentoring to drive the culture.

E. Take action on the employee engagement survey results and communicate the results and action broadly; institutionalize this process and create increased trust.

F. Develop and conduct “stay” interviews with employees.

A. Establish a technology solution to centrally capture and report on people data, including diversity and inclusion metrics, hiring, professional development, engagement, culture/values alignment, attrition, benefits.

B. Create and implement processes and tools that generate data needed to track hiring, recruitment and attrition (and other key aspects of the employee experience, like professional development); use this data to improve the employee experience.

C. Create internal processes for reviewing, understanding, and acting on the insights created from these new tools.