Athletics Harmful Substance Policy
Participation in interscholastic athletic programs at The Overlake School is an important part of co-curricular life, yet remains a voluntary activity. By playing on an interscholastic team, students accept the responsibility of complying with WIAA rules governing the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products and prescription drugs.
The Overlake School is a member of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (W.I.A.A.). All W.I.A.A. rules apply to student-athletes at Overlake and every other member school. The rules which apply concerning the possession, use, or sale of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products are outlined in the W.I.A.A. Official Handbook, under section 18.25.0.
The WIAA rules governing illegal drugs and prescription (legend) drugs are clear: A student athlete engaged in the possession, use, or sale of illegal or non-prescribed prescription drugs shall be removed immediately from the team for the remainder of the season. In order to be eligible to participate in the next interscholastic sport season, the student shall meet with school eligibility board consisting of the Head of Student Experience, the Athletic Director, and the two Faculty Representatives of the Student Review Board to request approval to participate. This board will meet with the student and then make a recommendation to the Upper School Head who will make the final ruling on future athletic eligibility. A student athlete who incurs a second violation will be ineligible to participate in any interscholastic competition for one year from the date of infraction; for a third violation, the player will be permanently ineligible for interscholastic competition. In addition to the W.I.A.A. penalties, Overlake students are subject to the disciplinary procedures outlined in The Overlake School Handbook.
Alcohol, Tobacco, & Vaping
For athletes in season, the possession, use, or sale of alcohol, tobacco, or vaping products is a violation of WIAA training rules. Athletes who violate training rules outside of school events may incur consequences determined by the Athletic Director in consultation with both the Head of Student Experience and the coach.
In order to promote a healthy and safe athletic environment the Overlake School encourages all students who wish to use a dietary supplement to consult with a registered dietician or their pediatrician prior to beginning use of any supplement. The FDA does not regulate supplements, therefore, the Overlake School requires that all supplements that students choose to utilize on campus be certified through either the NSF or Informed Choice. Logos shown below. The NSF and Informed Choice logos indicate that the supplement has been tested by a third party and the ingredients on the label are accurate. These certifications also indicate that the supplement does not contained substances banned by many major athletics institutions. Students in violation of this policy will receive a warning to not utilize the substance at school. A second violation will result in a meeting with the Head of Student Experience and a phone call home to parents. A third violation will result in revocation of privileges in the weight room.

The length of the sport season is defined as the opening day of practice to the final playoff date of the team.
Disciplinary consequences for school-related infractions and their impact on athletics
If a student is suspended from school for a school related incident, they are not allowed to participate with their respective team in any way for the duration of the suspension. This includes both in-school suspensions as well as out of school. If a student is given a consequence other than suspension, the student’s ability to participate in sports activities will be determined by the Head of Student Experience in consultation with the Athletic Director. In the event that a consequence for school related incidents conflicts with any athletic activity, the disciplinary consequence will take priority. This includes practices, games, playoffs or any other sports related activity. If a situation arises where a student is involved in a disciplinary incident and they are referred to the Student Review Board for their actions, they are allowed to participate in all athletic activities during the period in which the Student Review Board is deliberating. The only exception to that rule is in the event that the Head of Student Experience determines that it is not safe or the behavioral incident is of an egregious nature. In this situation, the school reserves the right to suspend students’ ability to participate in any sports activities while awaiting the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings.
Krishna Davda
Head of Student Experience