Policy for Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Expansive Students

This policy addresses the needs and concerns of transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive students to ensure a safe, affirming, and healthy school environment where every child can learn. This policy is meant to support transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive students in the school environment, if such support is needed. This policy cannot and does not anticipate every situation that may occur; every student is different and that includes transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive students. The support and accommodations for each student must be assessed and addressed individually based on the specific requests and needs of each student.

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination

As stated in the Overlake Student Handbook, discrimination, bullying, and harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression is prohibited within The Overlake School community.


The Overlake School shall ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive students shall be kept confidential in accordance with applicable state, local, and federal privacy laws. School faculty, staff, parents/guardians, and students should not disclose any information that may reveal a student’s gender identity to others, including students, parents or guardians, and other school staff, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.

Names, Pronouns, and School Records

We believe that every student should be addressed by the name and pronouns that correspond to the student’s gender identity. Regardless of whether a transgender, non-binary, or gender expansive student has legally changed their name or gender, The Overlake School allows such students to use a chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their identity.

If the student has previously been known at school by a different name, faculty, staff, and students will use the student’s chosen name and appropriate pronouns. To ensure consistency among administrators and staff, every effort will be made to update student education records in a timely manner (such as attendance reports, class rosters for substitutes, school IDs, electronic records, etc.) with the student’s chosen name and appropriate gender markers.

A student’s official school transcript is considered a legal document and as such The Overlake School cannot change the name on a transcript until we have received a court order listing the new name.

Access to Gender-Segregated Activities and Facilities

With respect to all restrooms, locker rooms or changing facilities, students should have access to facilities that correspond to their gender identity. Any student who is uncomfortable using a shared gender-segregated facility, regardless of the reason, shall, upon the student’s request, be provided with a safe and non‑stigmatizing alternative. This may include, for example, addition of a privacy partition or curtain, provision to use a nearby private restroom or office, or a separate changing schedule.

However, requiring a transgender or gender expansive student to use a separate space threatens to publicly identify and stigmatize the student as transgender and should not be done unless requested by a student. Under no circumstances should students be required to use gender segregated facilities that are inconsistent with their gender identity.

Classes and Gender-Segregated Activities

When gender-segregated activities are necessary, students may participate in such activities in a manner consistent with their gender identity. The school will work with the WIAA and other interscholastic organizations to provide transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive students with opportunities to participate in interscholastic athletics in a manner consistent with their gender identity, under the guidelines established by the interscholastic organization.

School Trips

The Overlake School will make efforts to ensure the safety and comfort of transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive students, maximize the student’s social interaction and equal opportunity for participation, and minimize any stigmatization and isolation from the general student population. The Overlake School will design sleeping arrangements that best support each student's emotional and physical safety. Generally, separating students into groups according to their stated gender identity is most appropriate, but the composition of the group and/or the nature of the trip environment may require another arrangement.