
Girls Lacrosse will begin the week of March 4th.

Practice/Game days: Tuesday, Thursday

Practice time is from 3:00 - 4:30.

Player eligibility:  In compliance with Girls Lacrosse League rules - girls can play lacrosse for Overlake and for a local club team, since we will not be field a team this year at either the 5/6 or 7/8 level.

Required equipment: Protective eye guards (Which will be issued by the school for those that need them), girls' lacrosse stick (school can provide if needed), and mouth guard.

Optional equipment - Cleated shoes are not required but strongly recommended. A soccer-style cleat will work the best.

Uniforms: The school will issue uniforms and expect them to be returned at the end of the season.


Briget Essex
MS Girls Lacrosse Head Coach