Forensic Science

Semester elective open to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.

Life on Our Planet (formerly Biochem I), plus teacher recommendation for 10th graders.

This cross-disciplinary, lab-based course will pull from knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry, and physics to explore the science involved in forensic investigations. The class will feature hands-on learning as students analyze evidence and make conclusions based on their findings. Investigations will include analysis of blood evidence (such as blood typing, blood spatter, and DNA fingerprinting), physical evidence (such as soil and glass particles), trace evidence (such as hair and fibers), fingerprints, ballistics, forensic chemistry, and a look into modern biotechnology. Students will present their findings in a variety of ways, ranging from tests and quizzes, to papers, to presentations. An emphasis will be placed on continuing students’ development in the practices of science, such as analyzing and interpreting data, engaging in argument from evidence, planning and carrying out investigations, and constructing explanations.  Due to the hands-on nature of this course, adequate preparation for class is required and will involve regular homework.