Introduction to Sports Medicine

Physical Education
Semester elective. Open to 11th and 12th grades, and to students in 10th grade by permission of the teacher.

Introduction to Sports Medicine is a class for students who would like to learn about the human body and how it relates to human function, injury/prevention or injury, and treatment of injury as well as dealing with emergency situations and First Aid/CPR. Students will use a combination of group projects, laboratory activities, and classroom tasks to learn and use the training skills and leadership skills required of an athletic trainer. Students will be expected to complete a minimum of 3 events (athletic contests/games) of practical training outside of the classroom as part of the class requirements. Events can also be accumulated by helping after school in the athletic training room. During this time students will be expected to act in a professional manner, assist as needed, and work to master the skills they have been introduced to in the classroom. Students may select the events or times they wish to cover, but there will be a limited number of spots depending on the event. Students may not cover events in which they are involved (e.g. basketball player covering own basketball game).