
Physical Education
Semester elective.

This class is designed for individuals interested in learning and practicing the art of yoga. This yoga study will blend styles of Hatha (Gentle), Vinyasa (Flow), Ashtanga (Power), Iyengar (Alignment), and Kundalini (Breath) yoga. Benefits of this collection of studies will include a focus on alignment through postures or use of props, weight-bearing exercise, and increasing flexibility through breath connection to movement. Yoga establishes a framework for lifelong fitness, developing core strength, safe stretching practices, health, and well-being rooted in kinesiology and philosophy. Students will increase awareness of skeletal and muscular systems while deepening strength, balance, flexibility, and focus through various sequences of yoga asanas or postures. Students will learn how yoga may enhance, repair, relax, or rebalance the muscles and the mind given all the demands of modern life. Additionally, students will complete reflective written assignments each quarter establishing goals, intentions for practice, reflecting upon progress and concepts for emphasis in future practice.