Physical Education 7

Physical Education

In seventh-grade, a more technical approach is used toward game skills. Game strategies are introduced and alternative warm-ups and games are a part of each day. These non-traditional activities keep the program active and fun while ensuring fitness and skill development. Additionally, at this level students are assigned grades that reflect their class participation, effort, contributions to the group, sportsmanship, and attitude. Skills are evaluated using goal setting, rubrics, self-evaluation, peer evaluation, video review, and fitness activities, in order to demonstrate individual progress. Many units are re-visited in the seventh-grade and include archery, soccer, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey, and more advanced skills/tactics are taught and practiced. Special units include multi-cultural games taught by the students, and leadership challenges to develop communication skills. There is an introduction to the fitness center, where students learn more about muscular endurance training. In addition, each class section works collaboratively and cooperatively to choose four additional units they would like to explore during their seventh-grade year. Each class completes The Fitnessgram evaluation twice per year and the results are used to measure the effectiveness of their work in accomplishing a healthy level of fitness.