Update on Veracross Implementation
The Veracross migration is rolling out on schedule, and we’re excited about the positive feedback we’re already receiving! Since we last communicated in April, we have successfully rolled-out Veracross, our student and family database system, within our administrative offices and we are now preparing for our launch to parents, students and faculty, which is scheduled for August. As the transition unfolds over the summer we will communicate as we begin shutting off MyBackpack and the Tandem Calendar. You can always access calendar and other information at overlake.org, which is unimpacted by this transition. You can read more about the transition in our online Transition to Veracross FAQ.
As we get closer to launching in August, Overlake will offer many online tutorials and help guides to assist the community in learning the new functionality of Veracross Portals. Additionally, for the 2018-19 school year we have worked with the PFSA and various parent committees to ensure we have time at important start of school year events, like the Welcome Back Coffee and the first PFSA Meeting of the year, to unveil the system. We are also working with the PFSA, Board, and Grade Level Reps to ensure we have a robust strategy for getting everyone up to speed on this important new platform. Stay tuned to our website for more information about our launch and training resources.
We hope you have a wonderful summer, and we look forward to launching the 2018-19 school year with powerful new tools to improve your Overlake experience. Please contact Jay Heath, Director of Technology, at jheath@overlake.org with any questions.