Fortune Writing Winners!

Fortune Cookies

Once more, the Library ran its annual contest to write something fun to find in a fortune cookie--not necessarily a fortune! The librarian took the new "fortunes" home each night and put them into fortune cookies to serve as prizes for the next day's contest. With almost 1.5x the entries this year as last, here are the 2017 winners:

First Place: 5 Points

They know.

--Eva, 8th, Gold

Second Place: 3 Points


--Jared, 8th, Green

Third Place: 2 Points (Tie)

Why don't you start a food fight right now? You know you want to.

--Avena, 7th, Green

Whose idea was it to put me in a cookie?! I'm claustrophobic!

--Kamya, 7th, Green

Image: Creative Commons 0.