Ultimate Superstar Leads Owls Practice

ultimate pauley

One of Ultimate’s superstars spent a recent practice with our Owls team.

Ben Wiggins played professionally and was a 2003 Callahan Award winner with the University of Oregon. The Callahan Award is Ultimate’s equivalent of college football’s Heisman Award.

Wiggins now works as an international coach and worked with our Owls varsity and junior varsity players on beating a defender. “The players really appreciated having Ben out there,” says Head Coach Joey Pauley. “At first, they weren’t happy about the two and a half hour practice. At the end, they were exhausted but were all on board with his teaching.”

During the practice, Pauley stepped back and let Wiggins work his magic. The results were immediate as the varsity team won two games in a row including one against a tough Bush team.

“Our terminology and motivational methods may not be the same, but it’s great for our players to experience those different flavors of coaching. We do the same thing in school where we teach different types of learners, and I think we need to do it in our sports,” says Pauley.

Click here to see Ben Wiggins working with our team.

Go Owls!