Owl Athletes Return for Fall Practices

On Monday, 142 upper school athletes hit fields and courts for the first day of fall sports practice.
Athletic Director John Wiley and Head Athletic Trainer Kim Chase went between practices to make sure proper forms were submitted and coaches’ needs met. “This year’s turnout numbers are really good,” says Wiley. “We’re up in Girls’ Cross Country and Volleyball. Boys’ Ultimate and Golf have good numbers as well.”
Girls’ Soccer defends their state championship title, and Coach Sally Goodspeed’s team will be ready for their season opener against Northwest on September 6.
Every season, Overlake Athletics hosts events that highlight our Owl spirit. With our 50th anniversary, this year’s marquee event is our October 7 celebration. Make plans to not only attend games, but also join us for a day full of activities including the Flight of the Owls in the morning and the Hall of Fame induction later that evening.
Middle School students report to their first practices this Monday, and the advice for parents is to come prepared. That means making sure all medical forms are turned-in and bringing proper equipment for each sport.
Wiley adds that now is the time for parents to have a conversation with their child about sports participation at Overlake. “If they’re going to do this they need to commit,” says Wiley. “Sometimes it’s better that they say no to a sport this year if they can’t make that commitment. When they’re ready, we’ll be here.”
Make sure to check out all our teams at this week’s practices in our vidigami photo gallery.