5th Grade Battle of the Books!

Winning team members plus librarian

The 5th Grade Battle of the Books ran yesterday, to the delight of everyone involved! The Battle of the Books is a combination reading contest and game show, in which teams of students compete to answer questions from a set list of books that they helped create. In the past, every round has been in the same format, with questions posed so that the answer is always the author and title of the book. As in: "In which book did a dragon crash-land on a row of porta-potties?" The answer would be The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. This year, I decided to shake things up and try different formats. So the students all did rounds in traditional format, Kahoot, Jeopardy, and relay. It was a lot of fun, if a little chaotic! 

In the end, the winning team was Team One: Inaya, Myra, Ava, Sana V., and Anya. Congratulations to them! (More photos should soon be available on Vidigami.)

Immense thanks go to the 5th grade teachers for letting me run this program, and for acting as timekeeper, scorekeeper, and peacekeeper during the Battle. Especial thanks to Imari Clinton, who found out last minute that she would be filling in as scorekeeper, and did so with grace and accuracy. Thanks also to Robe, especially for his peacekeeping and enthusiasm! Thanks also to Andrea McCandlish, who helped read the books and write up questions. And of course thanks to the 5th graders for their ever-enthusiastic participation!

The 6th-8th graders who signed up for our three-school Battle with St. Thomas and Open Window will have their preliminary round on Thursday, using similar multi-format rounds. The three-school Battle, which is virtual, will take place on March 11.