Our Report to Colleges

report to colleges

Sometimes it’s difficult to sum up a student’s overall experience at a school in a single document. Each Overlake student’s experience is personal to them, with opportunities to explore a variety of disciplines and interests both inside and outside of the classroom. But for our College Counselors, there is perhaps one document they use to best sum up the graduating class and their time here- the Report to Colleges.

“The purpose of the annual Report to Colleges is to provide an overview about The Overlake School to colleges and universities to which Overlake seniors apply,” explains Kate Asgari, Director of College Counseling. “In addition to materials submitted by a student, each application to a college includes the Report to Colleges, a transcript, and three letters of recommendation, which include a college counselor, a faculty member from the humanities department, and a faculty member from the STEM disciplines.”

Asgari likens the document to a cover letter for an Overlake transcript. “What is requested by colleges is a factual overview of the Overlake experience with a hyper-focus on the school’s curriculum. The annual Report to Colleges document is intentionally brief because of the short amount of time college admission officers have to read each admission application,” says Asgari.

The annual Report to Colleges is sent to more than 100 distinct colleges and universities each year. You can view it on our website here. And, for a look at where our students have applied and enrolled in 2024, please click here