Books I Have Loved 2023

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I think I was born with the impression that what happened in books was much more reasonable, and interesting, and real, in some ways than what happened in life.   --Anne Tyler
People put down [in books] what happened before you were even born, and you can understand and not make the same mistakes. Like history, books let things in.  --James, in Cynthia Voigt's 'Homecoming'

It’s time once more for the annual faculty and staff “Books I Have Loved” list! We asked faculty and staff: Which book this year (or any year) was more real to you than real life? Which book helped you avoid making history’s mistakes? Which book made you forget to upload your comments, forget to feed the dog, made you eat your kids’ pizza before the sleepover even started, or made you not notice you’ve worn bunny slippers to school? Which book opened your eyes and your mind in ways you never expected? Check out their responses and watch your to-read pile grow! Still not enough books? Check out the 2022 list as well!

(Note that these books are primarily adult titles, not recommended for younger students.)

Just the knowledge that a good book is awaiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier.  --Kathleen Norris