Book Bonanza 2023!

Book Fair

This year, the Library tried something different than a traditional bookfair. For the Book Bonanza, all books were donated by students and their families between October and January. We encouraged students to donate by turning the event into a Middle School Green/Gold competition, awarding points for every book donated (Green won, 323 to 247!). As donations topped 600 books, all MS students were entitled to two free books. English teachers scheduled a block to bring their students to the Bonanza, which took place in the Board Room on day one, and in the Library classroom on day two. We displayed books by genre, and students had a wonderful time browsing and selecting their books. At the end of the Bonanza, all remaining books were up for grabs, and they disappeared in literally minutes! Clearly we have a lot of enthusiastic readers among our students!

Thanks go to so many people for making this event possible! Thanks to:

  • Everyone who donated books
  • Everyone who volunteered to help
  • The wonderful Library staff who helped organize and move the books, and covered the Library so the MS librarian could cover the Bonanza
  • Benito Castro of the Maintenance Department, who helped move books for day two
  • The teachers who gave up class time to bring their classes to the Bonanza
  • The Communications Department for helping get the word out to parents
  • All the book-loving students who made the event a success!