Pick-up and drop-off procedures on campus

pick up and drop off

Traffic on school grounds is always busy for a short amount of time right before school begins for the day and then again when it ends. Below are some tips to consider as you travel onto Overlake's campus.

When you are in the drop off and pickup lanes adjacent to the Whitten Math & Sciences Center (identified as A on the map), please be prepared to wait until everyone in front of you has picked up their student. Both of these lanes are to be used in the same manner for both drop off and pick-up of students. Please don't get out of your vehicle and encourage anyone in front of you to leave without their student. It is not easy to leave the pickup line and re-enter, especially with construction traffic nearby. Requesting cars in front of you to move for you or beeping your horn are not in keeping with our Overlake community values. Also, please do not back up in the pickup lanes onto oncoming traffic entering campus. This is a busy time of day on the roads around campus.

If you are on a tight schedule to pick up your student, there are other options that will allow you more flexibility that will not impact other cars. You can park in the Visitor Lot (located on the map as C) and have your student meet you there. You can also pull into the singular lane in the Upper Lot near Fulton Theater (marked as on the map). As there are no curbs here, this pickup lane allows you to pull around other cars waiting in line.

Having clear communication and a plan with your student of WHERE and WHEN to pick them up will allow you opportunities for where to arrive and wait for pick up.  Keep in mind if your student tends to be picked up later than we would suggest you arrive at school a bit later too.