Excuses, Excuses! Contest Winners 2022

Dog eating homework

In the excuse-writing contest, students pulled three random words from a fishbowl and had to incorporate those into excuses for why they were late to school, or why their homework was late. Unsurprisingly, students excelled at the task!

Winner | Words: Mice, Moon, Foil

I’m really sorry that I’m late today, as when I woke up, I saw a bunch of giant mice surrounding me. I was obviously very terrified and tried to run away, but the mice all collectively grabbed me and put me in a spaceship. that was made of foil or something, and sent me to the moon. I had to find my way off the moon but I made it, only six hours late! I brought some moon dust though, so please don’t mark me tardy..    —Gloria, 8th, Gold

Second Place | Words: Vampire, Bird, Tea

My homework is late because a vampire stole it. I know it sounds as if I am lying, but I am not. What happened was, I was drinking my tea all fancy like, because why not, and my homework was sitting next to me. Then a bird flew into my window and landed on my homework. All of a sudden it turned into a giant vampire and flew off with the homework. Since it was day, the vampire started to smoke up and catch fire and die, and sadly, the homework was consumed by the fire.  So that’s why I don’t have my homework. Definitely not because I didn’t do it. 😉       —Sammie, 8th, Gold

Third Place | Words: Grumble, Vampire, Juice

I was late to school because… OK, look. Please stop grumbling. The reason why I am two hours 37 minutes, and 21 seconds late is because of the vampire. Yes. A vampire. You see, it started when I heard an ominous laugh in my brothers bedroom. I ran into my room and grabbed my lacrosse stick as I slowly crept into his room. Cranberry juice splattered my face as I entered, and I saw a vampire standing above me with the expired juice in his right hand. Turned out, it wasn’t a vampire, but instead my younger brother dressed in his Halloween costume. So that’s why I’m late. —Eva, 5th, Gold

Honorable Mention | Words: Crash, Coupons, Music

I was late to school because I was inspired last night. I’ve always wanted to be a musician, but I’ve always been told I don’t have any talent. In my dream, though, I heard a mysterious crashing of symbols and a voice reminded me that I had a coupon for the next-door music shop. This morning, I went to the store and bought my own drum set. I’m going to follow my dreams. In fact, I’m quitting school. Bye! –Tarini, 8th, Gold