Athletics have arrived

Soccer player

The school year is off to a great start. Classes and clubs are underway and now athletics has joined in full force with 317 student athletes participating in sports.

“They’re just psyched to be out there. It’s going great,” said John Wiley, Athletics Director. Upper School athletics started practicing a couple weeks before the start of school and Middle School sports started practices this week.

With the palpable enthusiasm in the air on the first day of practices, Mike Fine, MS Athletics Director, noted that he loved visiting the practices on opening day. One of his favorite moments of the first day was overhearing parents at pick up saying to each other, ‘it’s so nice to see our kids out doing kid things and playing around’. Fine added, “hearing the sound of kids having fun, the giggles and sounds associated with a practice were great to hear.”

As the Athletics department looks forward to the coming year, one of the focuses is setting goals that go beyond wins and losses.

Mindy McGrath, PE teacher and Volleyball coach said, “for our team, the biggest focus is the message ‘we before me—how to be a selfless teammate’.” McGrath said she has loved seeing the team captains take an active role in leading the attitude of their teams.

“This group has taken on the responsibility of embracing what team they’re on, what role they play, staying positive, and moving forward. Especially coming off a super crazy year,” she said. “Last year was such a test to their flexibility. There’s just so much gratitude for having a season and having home fans.”

Speaking of fans, looking to attend a game? All sporting events are open (and eager to welcome) all fans this year--including visiting team fans. At outdoor games, all spectators are welcome to attend and cheer the athletes on. Masks are recommended at outdoor games.

At volleyball games, for the month of September, only vaccinated (age eligible) Overlake fans may attend at this time and masks will be required regardless of vaccination status—stay tuned for updated guidance after September.

For news about Overlake’s athletics follow @owlsnews on Twitter and visit Overlake’s website for a list of all upcoming games to attend. Go Owls!