Photo Finish Contest Winners!

Collection of random images used to inspire Photo Finish stories

The Photo Finish Contest challenges students to use three random images to inspire a story. In normal years the images are cut out from magazines, but this year the three librarians compiled a large document full of random images for students use, and thanks to the help of Ms. Mihata and her English classes, we had a large number of clever and creative entries! Faculty voted for the winners, which are listed below. As the stories are a bit too long for a blog post, the titles are linked to the story on the library website, but you can see the images that inspired the students; hopefully you'll be curious to see what the pictures inspired!

2021 ​Winners

First Place Tie--10 Points

The Demon Cat, by Maia W., 8th

Hey, You! by Mary A., 8th

Second Place--7 points

Chicken Designer, by Mahi, 8th

Third Place--5 points

Evelyn, by Alexandra C., 6th