Looking Forward, Looking Back

christian Fulghum

As we approach the Winter Solstice and the end of 2020, I find myself cheered by small comforts and personal communications. The first taste of homemade pie in a long time was a delight at Thanksgiving. A personal letter I received brought welcome news from a beloved friend.

Because of the restrictions necessitated by the pandemic, reaching out to family and friends to connect virtually has taken on a new importance since March. We’re all sharing our own version of the same experience, and it has been comforting to talk about it, in online video meetings, phone calls, emails, and handwritten correspondence.

In this year of disruption and uncertainty, we all seem to be working harder. We are finding new ways to do our jobs, to manage schedules, and to be productive despite the challenges. In our homes, whether we have the whole family under one roof or are living solo, there have been projects to attend to and creative outlets to channel our energies. My hats are off to people with school-age children at home. We are all called by these circumstances to be at our best.

In reviewing the interviews and profiles of fellow Owls in this issue of the Alumni Enews, I find my spirits lifted. Here is an assortment of Overlake alums from different eras of the school’s history, doing things that are interesting and inspiring. Despite the anxieties of this year, life goes on, and there is useful work to do. We can be of service to others, and recognize our opportunities to contribute in small ways to the betterment of humanity.

In closing, please know that Overlake is here for you; don’t hesitate to reach out anytime if we can be of help. Thanks to the Alumni Board’s efforts, we are planning a variety of virtual events and opportunities to build our alumni community throughout the year – please stay tuned and also be on the lookout for a series of short surveys for how we can best strengthen our alumni program for you. Your feedback is important and we value your input. Even when we are apart, Owls can come together.

I wish all of you a happy season of gratitude, and good health and good spirits going into a new year, and a new hope.

Christian Fulghum (‘77)