Fortune Writing Contest Winners 2019
The Fortune Writing Contest challenges students to write fortune-cookie fortunes that are more interesting/entertaining/amusing than the typical fortune-cookie fortunes. Every day, about fifty of the students' fortunes are inserted into actual fortune cookies, which then serve as prizes for the current day's fortune writers (the students always want to know how I do this--the secret is damp paper towels, a microwave, and tweezers!). This was a banner year for fortunes, with almost double the number written this year as last! Here are the winners:
First Place: 5 Points
Error Code—39175. No fortune, please try again later. --Oliver, 6th
Second Place: 3 Points
You are an amazing person and don’t let anyone stop you from believing that. --Selena, 6th
Third Place: 2 Points
You will be invited to be part of the winter baking championship…to clean the dishes. --Gabrielle, 6th
Honorable Mention: 2 Points
Psst! This is recruiting you for a spy. Don’t tell anyone. I’ll contact you. --Lucy, 6th
Tomorrow, you will meet someone who uses comic sans on a regular basis. --Clementine, 5th