Excuses, Excuses! Contest Winners 2019

Students writing excuses

The Excuses, Excuses Contest challenges students to draw three words from a bowl (the words come from other contest entries earlier in the year, like the Bad Writing Contest), then write an excuse incorporating those words. Their excuse must be for why they or their homework are/is late. We had so many fantastically creative entries this year it was really hard to pick the top twelve! Apparently, our students are aces at excuses. Winners were chosen by faculty/staff votes.

Winner: 10 Points

Words: Elders, Metal, Chronic

I was late to school because as I was walking, a group of elders stopped me in the street, complaining about their chronic back pain. I politely heard their complaints, but they were wildly swinging their metal walking sticks. They wouldn’t let me leave for three hours. Sorry.

—Lexi ,  8th, Green


Second Place: 7 Points

Words: Villagers, Agency, Overpowering

My homework is late because a secret agency called the Dangerous Villagers Society overpowered and kidnapped me for my homework. They said they would kill me if I didn’t give it to them. So, sorry my homework is late; I just wanted to stay alive.

—Lucia, 5th, Green


Third Place: 5 Points

Words: YouTube, Violin, Quiz

My homework is late because I was up on YouTube doing a “Find your spirit animal” quiz and watching meme compilations, when I came across this video about people who can play the violin and cause the people that hear the music to read Dr. Seuss books until 8 AM the next day. So, they show a clip of the music and next thing I new, there I was, reading Dr. Seuss. I couldn’t stop and didn’t have time to do my homework.

—Sonja, 7th, Gold


 Honorable Mentions: 3 Points

Words: Design, Priorities, Flamethrowers

My homework is late because when I was doing my work, a guardian angel appeared in my room, going off about how I need to get my “priorities” straight. She proceeded to show me a design of a flamethrower, and lit my paper into a fiery inferno. Sorry.

--Lexi, 8th, Green

Words: Shining, Lighting, Relish

I was late to school because I forgot to buy the relish. You might say that’s not an excuse, but you don’t understand my love for the shining, green goop. When in the right lighting, the relish is godly, but I mostly just had to make my hot dog less bland.

--Sophia W., 7th, Gold